"This program helped me uncover issues and understand myself better (and even the motives of others a little clearer). It helped me consciously bring to surface some things I already logically knew, but wasn’t implementing regularly in my life. Dr. Wendy coaching helped me uncover what I truly wanted and deserved in my life. It wasn’t easy, but she never said it would be.
"Probably THE most powerful (breakthrough) is that I have discovered the negative core belief that has been running my life. Now that I know what it is and am being guided to both the tools and how to use the tools to rewrite this core belief, everything is changing for the better. I now believe that I have control over the trajectory of my life and I know in my heart that I CAN design the life I want!
"Dr. Wendy really gets down to the nitty gritty. Helps us discover our CORE beliefs and identified our conditioned beliefs and then helps us CHANGE them! We don’t need to feel ‘not good enough’ or ‘bad’ anymore… She gives us those tools!!! As a mom of 3 and a wife the best gift I can give to my family is to heal myself. Working with Dr. Wendy has been the best thing I’ve done for MYSELF!"

"A year ago I was so stressed out and couldn’t figure out how to make it better. Now a year later, I’ve made big changes and on a path to change my job as I’ve wanted for a long time. Glad I sought out and committed to the help!"
Dr. Wendy's program has been life changing for me. The growth for all the women in the group has been amazing and we have become dear friends in going through this journey together. I am truly more happy and am dealing with difficult things that have plagued me for years in a whole different way.
It is a scary investment to join Wendy at first but all the reasons you are telling yourself you don't want to do it, are exactly the reasons why you should do it.
"Loved learning about my top Strengths and values. Learning my negative beliefs and thoughts greatly affect my actions. I am surprised that so many of us in the group program are going through similar and different things in our lives yet we can relate to each other."
“Really labeling and understanding my core values and strengths and making decisions from a place of knowing who I am and what I need. Feeling empowered and making it a habit to celebrate my wins. Following through on micro level habits (ie. not letting dishes pile up in the sink) because when my environment is more fresh, so is my brain!”
Thank you for holding me accountable and not letting me get away with listening to my own BS I have felt less tired and stressed (harried).. I feel like I am setting better priorities for myself and reading/being educated on the why’s behind some of the things holding me back.